


MOFs在金屬有機框架材料- 維基百科,自由的百科全書的討論與評價

MOF 是新無機有機材料中研究最熱門的一個領域,因為他們將兩門經常被分開的化學學科無機化學和有機化學結合了起來。 ... MOF由有機配體配位的金屬原子或原子簇構成一維、二維 ...

MOFs在MOF Metal Organic Framework - definition, fabrication and use的討論與評價

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are organic-inorganic hybrid crystalline porous materials that consist of a regular array of positively charged metal ions ...


金屬有機骨架(MOFs)材料是一種新型的高結晶性有機/無機複合錯合物,藉由金屬離子或含金屬團簇構成的次級結構單元(SBU)與多牙有機配位基, ...



    金屬有機骨架(Metal-Organic Framework, MOF)孔洞材料,是一種新穎的奈米孔洞材料,可說是奈米級大小的房屋或海綿,單一克數最高可達足球場大小的表面積,因此工業化應用 ...


    MOFs 是金屬有機骨架化合物(英文名稱Metal organic Framework)的簡稱。是由無機金屬中心(金屬離子或金屬簇)與橋連的有機配體通過自組裝相互連接,形成的一類具有 ...

    MOFs在Metal Organic Framework - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics的討論與評價

    Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are organic-inorganic porous materials. They consist of metallic ions and organic ligands. Ligands are ions/molecules attached ...

    MOFs在Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) - Sigma-Aldrich的討論與評價

    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a relatively new class of porous, crystalline materials with a broad range of applications. MOFs are composed of metal ...

    MOFs在Metal–organic frameworks - Latest research and news | Nature的討論與評價

    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of crystalline materials that consist of coordination bonds between transition-metal cations and multidentate ...

    MOFs在and mesoporous MOFs with tailorable porosity via selective acid的討論與評價

    We report a new strategy for the synthesis of robust hierarchical micro- and mesoporous MOFs from water stable MOFs via a selective acid etching process.

    MOFs在Mixed‐Metal MOFs: Unique Opportunities in Metal–Organic的討論與評價

    Abstract Mixed-metal metal–organic frameworks (MM-MOFs) can be considered to be those MOFs having two different metals anywhere in the ...

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